![]() I recently watched a cute video* about a balloon dog who was traversing the dangerous terrain of a prickly cactus filled trail. Oh, how this gave visual effect to the feeling of walking through the world as an empath. To this empath anyway. As we all awaken to live and experience our purpose in life, we become sensitized to what it takes to embody that role in the world. We are required to get more in tune with the tools and resources that will make us good at our "work." While the work of a mystic and empath is about amping up our sensitivities, I don't expect that the intensity to be experienced is any different for an CFO who is facing increasing demands for creativity with directing corporate dollars, or a musician who composes a brilliant and complex piece of music that is difficult to teach to the orchestra around him, or the medical researcher who detects a threatening strain of a virus and endeavors to find a cure. Regardless of your chosen field of work, the cosmic energies are setting up for you to get better, more focused, and significantly involved in the calling that is uniquely yours. What I know best is this empathic journey and how "in my face" it all is right now. Empathy is the emotion that allows us to feel the experiences of others, to "put ourselves in their shoes," prompting the desire to assist or support them. An empath takes this experience a little deeper in that there is an automatic emotional connection with the surrounding world, and an almost undetectable boundary between the the self and others. Which can make a quick trip to Costco a harrowing experience. Over the years of refining my craft as a mystic, my empathic sense has become a wonderful and generous asset. To be able to feel into a client's experience, to understand beyond the surface into the deep emotional trenches, and to explain some of the "wiring" that is in the works, all make me good at what I do. I am able to feel the physical and emotional pain that sits in another person's body, the emotional entanglements that hold it into place, any DNA or hereditary conditions that support its existence, and the processes that can cut it loose if one is ready to let it go. I get downloads (the equivalent of full feature movies that play out in a matter of seconds) that illuminate the soul's journey and the hows and whys of what is happening in the present experience beyond obvious explanations. This work is the most fulfilling and energizing thing that I do in my life and it is the most amazing, heart opening process I've ever experienced. This sensitivity can also make relationships and interaction with the world an emotional minefield. With the Universal energies opening more deeply and creating vibrations that align our human experiences with divine purpose, this empathic life feels more challenging. As empaths, we are inclined to not just feel the world's pain, we ingest it. On the functional side of this "gift" we are the helpers, the servants, the promoters and providers and philanthropists. Supporting others within an acute sense of self care preserves and sustains the energy to serve. On the dysfunctional side, we are the enablers, the drug pushers and doormats and dramatists that feed a system of dependence. Rooted only in the world of others, we make ourselves sick from the imbalance of servitude and self sacrifice. While we may have found our healthy balance between the world's needs and our own up to this point, a recent vibrational increase may have thrown us off kilter once again. This can show up in various ways: finding it increasingly difficult to be in crowds or around certain groups of people, a desire to cocoon or nest at home more than usual, emotional outbursts - expressing intense feelings without being specifically prompted by an event or interaction, wanting to numb with sleep or substances, inability to sleep in the presence of obsessive worry or thought, or just generally feeling a mix of emotions that are intensely out of alignment with the current situation. My intuitive and "sensitive" clients and colleagues are expressing concern about these sensitivities and asking what to do with them. They can seem overwhelming and even unmanageable yet we can handle them. 1 - Reboot: it's OK to reschedule, scale back on commitments, or to take a nap. What you've been able to keep up with in the past may not hold true during this time of transition. You may return to that schedule once you catch up with this energy. And, then again, you may not want to. Just allow for time outs right now. 2 - Ground: remember those grounding processes. Whether it is meditation or running or painting, get back to what grounds you. In the moment grounding is always with the breath. Pay attention to five consecutive breaths and you're back and whole and in the present. 3 - Review and release: let go of what is not working. Or at least release the idea or thoughts about what may not working. Give up expectations, demands, goals that don't empower you, habits, and the stuff. Get rid of more of the stuff that fills your shelves, sucks your time, or creates worry or fear. 4 - Discern: choose interactions, activities, hobbies, connections, clients, mentors, WORDS very selectively. Remember, empaths don't just feel the world around them, they ingest it. Be highly selective with the energies you place around you, especially the people you serve and those who support you. 5 - Remember: you are sensitive. There is little that you can do to avoid it. So honor it. This connection to the heart of the world is a beautiful gift. You experience life more deeply than so many. Let it empower and energize you. Trying to numb it away would be like cutting off your arm. As much as the feelings may at time feel like a burden or intrusion, living without the connection is not fully being alive. Build a life around this gift. 6 - Tribe: gather with like minds. Connect with at least one or two others who are aware of your sensitivities and who are willing to both support you in it and to honor your gift. We are a brilliant tribe of energetic conduits and can provide a safe foundation for each other. Trust it. An empath can't forget it or ignore or disappear the sensitivity, so find a way to live with it that works for you. Use your gifts in a sustainable, empowering way. Truly amazing reward can come from feeling the pulse of humanity. Embrace it. Sustain it. Balance with it. I bow to you. ~ **to view the adorable Tumbleweed Tango movie CLICK HERE
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![]() Gosh, it's been over a week since I've posted a card or participated in much social activity. I've had a wicked dose of the creapin' crud and am finally feeling up to joining the world again. The good part about being sick - Yes, there is a HUGE benefit - Is that I get to reboot. A power-down of all systems and start-up of the ones I want to keep running. In the past, I've reveled in my multifaceted talents and the ability to keep several, very differing plates spinning at one time. Every area of work, art and play needs attention, time, focus. But when it becomes a way of life to keep the plates spinning, the talent that develops is not in the area of work or art or play, but in the skill of juggling attentions and tasks. The very reason I might have taken up a hobby or set out to develop a certain skill gets lost in the responsibility of spending just enough time with that task to keep it alive and breathing, but not so much that another plate, another interest, looses its momentum and stops spinning. I've experienced very good health for many years, and an abundant amount of energy and enthusiasm for many of the exciting options that life has to offer. Work clients, art, family, music, travel, friends, a happy love affair, all get a piece of my attentions and it all seems to balance as long as I stay healthy and vital and "on top of my game." In steps the crud, my attentions wain and the crashing seems to begin almost immediately. All of a sudden, sleep is the only viable option. Phone calls don't get returned. Projects lay idol. A shower? Maybe tomorrow. The genius multi-tasker is suddenly skating by on the minimum that needs to be done to get by... in between three hour naps. ![]() And the gift of it all, yes, what I am reminded of again, is that my role in life is not to be a brilliant plate spinner. When I look at who I am in this life and how I am here to serve, multi-tasking genius is not what what I aspire to. All illness and infection is a physical manifestation of emotional dis-ease. In her book Heal Your Life, Louise Hay says that to have a cold is a manifestation of too many things going on at once, of mental disorder. Sure sounds like spinning plates to me! The healing affirmation: I allow my mind to relax and be at peace. Clarity and harmony are within me and around me. Going within to heal, sleeping, resetting my system does result in peace and clarity. That is, after the first few days of worrying about what I need to get done and when. There's a certain humility that comes with letting a germ drag me down. And, that is good for me when I become the person who gets in the habit of doing over being. I don't want to be so busy that I forget to be still. So, as I feel better, and add activities back into my days, I remind myself to be with my thoughts and feelings about what I am doing more than with the task itself. Whether it is washing dishes or creating a piece of art, the experience is in the process and feelings, not the end result or getting it done so I can move on to what's next. So I remain grateful for the ability to heal myself, for the gift of new beginnings, and for the richness that every moment of my life holds. ~namaste~ ![]() Got another question and here's another answer ~ I like these writing prompts! Q: I was wondering if it was better to obtain a reading on a full moon or new moon? A: I do not experience a difference in being able to read based on the moon phases. I have worked with my intuition for long enough and have established an open channel of communication that doesn't seem to shift based on external influences. If anything, the opportunity to sit with a client balances the forces of nature around me, brings me back to my core and aligns me more clearly in the energy of pure light. This is an instantaneous shift for me, once I set my focus on the energy of another, my sense of self shifts and I become only the messenger, without a personal agenda about the information brought forth. I do notice a natural willingness in clients to open up about certain subjects or allowing release when the moon is in different places. Often this is in relationship to the client's personal astrology and reactivity to the moon's influence and not necessarily the position of the moon we all see in the sky. If a client is ready for a reading, they've chosen to open and give permission to peak at the soul of their being. It is at these times I am most able to serve the focus of one's experience. Since we brought up the moon, here's a little insight on how to interact with the lunar energy that influences every being on the planet. The full moon is about release, destruction, giving up and moving away from things that no longer serve us. This energy likes noise, beating drums, fire and the intention to move forward through elimination and completion. The new moon is about creation, attracting new/changes and ease in shifting course. This energy prefers a more meditative environment, ambient music, and creative focus and concentration. This is a good time for vision boards, journaling out intentions and beginning new projects or endeavors. Both phases are helpful in personal evolution and awakening. Infusing just a little moon ritual into the day can bring big changes. Give it a try the next time the moon is full in the sky or when it is invisible to the eye. We all have a little of that moon magic inside. ![]() Living in empathy, creativity and intuition offers a great solace, divine connection and the grace of compassion. Yet living in the light doesn't come without it's own shadows. Sometimes, the light actually enhances the shadow presence in the world and within our own being. We are compassionate, gracious, forgiving, helpful, generous and supportive. We dance an inspired dance, celebrating our personal accomplishments and reveling in the successes of those around us, embracing the connections that illuminate our lives and choosing to focus on the good in the world around us. And then the shadow comes at us. Surfacing as ghosts, demons, angry parents or gods in our minds: judgmental, righteous, condescending or downright cruel. Or they show up as jealous friends, combative strangers or fierce competitors. Whatever body they take on, they go against all that we aspire to, all that we see as good and that which we least want to attract or project in our light-bearing existence. And yet, as much as we do not want these experiences, they are in our faces, pushing buttons we don't want to have or dredging up feelings of inadequacy, frustration and unhappiness. The negative energies are strong and with them our light can begin to flicker. We question ourselves, our choices, our unique place in this world and the direction of our work. Because of our empathic nature, we ingest the force of the shadow side and lose focus or question the strength that lives within our souls. What brings these forces at us and what do we do with them so we don't lose the momentum of our personal light work? Some interpret these forces as karma, consequence, curse or just plain bad luck. Others see it as a result of being "different," the cost of rocking the status quo boat or the resistance necessary to change the world. While each may hold a bit of truth, what I see behind any of the conflict are the beliefs we hold as true. For years I've said "we all get to be right in life and in death." The universe will only give us what we see as truth, what we believe is real. In the fast shifts taking place with humanity, the intensity of connection has increased, the pace of life is quicker and the impact on our senses is deeper. We cry more often, we attract or repel with more contrast, we feel "in" or "out" more distinctly and the forces that question our personal truth seem to be louder than ever. When we are out of harmony with the light we seek, it feels more painful and our reactions can be more intense. The world outside us, the input of people and situations, can be a guiding force. While it can be perceived as positive or negative, what we feel is just energy, offered for the creation our life according to our own vision. No longer are those around us the mirror of our thoughts. Connections may be arise on our path purely for distinction and choice: yes, they feel like my tribe and I want to hang with them or no, that's not my scene anymore and I will leave them to their own style of being. Those who are cruel or critical of our choices do not show up to steer us in a different direction and are not always a projection of our thoughts and doubts. Sure, some of their opinions may mimic our fears, hurts or perceived shortcomings, but they merely are an intersection being offered on the road of our personal journey. The roads we choose to follow are in alignment with what we believe we can navigate, a power more influential than any other force or opinion offered. So, while others can offer up all kinds of judgements and potential detours, we choose consistent with what we believe is possible. When we choose only from the physical and mental perspective, we can only imagine from what we already know. When we choose from the light that we are committed to carrying, from infinite love, we imagine and create a greater reality from almost magical intention. We are not here to fix the flaws or shortcomings of others, even if we are in their line of fire. We ARE here to adjust our own trajectory so that their fire cannot redirect us. So, the next time an outside force causes us to question ourselves or our path, the only thing to do is continue to choose what is right for us: from the infinite potential of light, not from force or reason or self-limitation. As enlightenment and soulful evolution continue to accelerate, we can expect to feel contrast with others as a way of discernment, of choosing to live from our personal light and for deeper alignment with the journey of our spirit. While it may not feel good in the moment, choosing to walk as a light being in any situation creates more light on the path ahead. I wish you a light filled journey and peace in the choices you face. ~ blessed be ~ ![]() I am in a surreal space after returning home from a week with my Dad as he is in the last days of transition into the next phase of his life. I hesitate to post too much information yet this is the easiest way to update everyone I'm connected with and to express where I am in my own process of grief and reconciliation with death. The words get tiring when I repeat them and there are too many details to review individually so here's the scoop. About a month ago, my Dad went into the hospital with pneumonia, which turned into a diagnosis of stage four lung cancer, which perpetuated a series of strokes, and now he's in hospice care, at home with his wife, approaching the hereafter. It all happened so fast. I am grateful that I was there, to spend a few days in the hospital with him and then a few more at home. I got to help him with his meals, talk to him at night when he was scared and uncertain and impatient about "getting it over." We talked about the angels he was seeing and he knows they are there for comfort. I got to see the man who is George to the world, a different person than the man I've called Dad. My observation has always been that "everyone loves George." I've said that for years after seeing his interactions with those in his circle of friends and colleagues. Our familial relationships were different from this. As his daughter, I didn't see the generosity, caring and interest that he seems to take in others around him. He wasn't around much when I was young and if I did see him, it was often a result of my efforts to tag along with him in his world - spending time over Christmas breaks to take inventory with him at the hospital or digging potatoes and learning to drive a tractor - times that I treasure and hold valuable. I've always had an unexplainable loyalty to my father. Even when he was not available, I felt love and connection to him. I suspect it was there for him too, he just wasn't able to express it in a way that saw it. Being able to step back from my personal experience, the stories I might hold about the kind of father he was vs. the kind of father I wanted, I have the opportunity to see his capacity for giving, for caring about others and for connecting to the world. He's got it in him. I am so grateful to know more about his life, how he jokes and educates and serves on so many levels. And to meet all those who are also his family. Besides seeing more about my father, I gained insight into who I am, learning more of what makes me tick and where I could make adjustment in my own focus in order to have a deeper and more satisfying experience in life. In my work as a mystic, I see how death can teach the living, and my wish is to get the lesson in this so I can move past my own blocks to intimacy and authenticity. What came out most this week was my capacity to be of service, to find happiness and kindness in the face of despair, to be fully in the moment in joy or sadness or gratitude or action, to be patient or to be demanding. I don't say this looking for any acknowledgement, I say it because these are areas where have felt shallow or lacking and now I know I have it in me. In the future, I hope for more gentle vehicles to inspire these attributes. Until then, I remain grateful for the experience and in love with my life and those who walk beside me. Blessed be ~ I was super-duper excited to be featured in a recent City Weekly article about my work as a Psychic Medium.
For almost a third of my life I've done this work and yet I haven't fully embodied it until the past few years. It could be a result of timing, experience or resistance that made it take this long (I'm thinking a combination of things), but I'm definitely connected with my life's work today. I use the word connection in a lot of my readings, writings and interpretations about life. Creating from a unique purpose and internally sparked vision is at the cornerstone of happiness and knowing a sense of accomplishment. First, it's just easier to pour your heart and soul into a process that is personally inspired. Second, there is a "magical" flow that happens when we are in sync with the rhythms of our reason for being here. At first, it may not be easy to know what promptings are coming from your external or ego driven pressures and what is openly flowing from spirit, but with a little practice you can discern which is which. Here are a few helpful hints to get you connecting in the right direction: 1 - Time stands still - or at least it seems to. What are you doing that draws you in so deeply that you don't watch the clock or you lose track of time? Who do you spend time with when you have so much fun you don't look at your watch? 2 - Bliss or peacefulness is the end result. When you come away from a project or interaction with a deep sense of peace, contentment or satisfaction, you're on the right track. There are activities in which you engage that, even though in the midst might seem challenging, bring a sense of freedom once complete. 3 - Money wouldn't matter. What do you do, that you would continue to do, whether you got paid or not? What moves through you simply because it must is spirit-given activity. Dancing, creating, writing, playing music, whatever it is that expresses through you is what calls from deep inside. This brings you closer to the core from where you express your light and love and gifts for the world. Watch for these clues. Engage with them as often as possible. Bring them to every interaction. Let others in on what makes you tick. Before you know it, you will embody that flow of spirit and there won't be a difference between your "business face" and your spiritual presence. You will simply BE. ~Blessings to you on the journey from your heart~ ![]() I got a call from a client/friend yesterday asking if Mercury was in retrograde. I didn't think so but I checked the Astrology calendar to be sure. Nope, not for another month so we shouldn't be feeling any retrograde effects. "No-show appointments, scarce funds and life kinda sucks... I feel like I'm missing out on something good" was the gist of our conversation in that moment. So, I did what I always do. I felt into the vibe of her interpretation, asked our guides for some input and the information that came through was similar to what I am seeing with a lot of clients. It shows up in readings and life a lot lately so I'm telling you about it in case you're facing something similar. You feel light on your face but can't see its source. You sense a profound shift but it never seems to come. You have offers of new opportunities that get stuck and don't materialize. YET! The key word here is YET! I have heard this state of being labeled as Divine Discontent and I love that term for these feelings. You can feel the shift coming, the pressure being relieved, the opportunities flooding it. Your spirit inside is feeding you light and optimism and potential. Oops, you forgot how to listen to that voice. For many years you've read books, consulted experts, listened to advice from friends or family or co-workers. They tell you what worked for them and you think that if you do it the same way, it will work for you too. Right? Not necessarily. Yes, when their blueprint fits the designs of your life, you can emulate their process and find success. The problem is, you did not get to this place by walking the same path as they did. It is probable that walking their path now not will yield the same satisfaction as what they found. Step back from the plans, the rules, the organization, the external prototype for a happy life, and listen. Be still. Connect to YOU. When you feel the Divine Discontent stirring inside, it is because you're shaking free from the external definition of life and beginning the connection with your inner spirit and the divine destiny that is only yours. If you feel you're missing out, it means you're not listening, you're stifling a vision, you're repressing what you value. Your passions are bubbling up inside and they don't have a vehicle for expression. As a creative being (which all humans are), if you don't create from passion and vision, you create messes. Your creative essence HAS to CREATE. If you are not creating with intention, there will be crisis, drama and issues presented so that you get to use your creativity to solve problems. Creativity is not about art. It is not about being a good artist or musician or writer. It is about feeling an energy inside you that wants to move through you as an expressions of your life purpose. It could be housekeeping, baking, closing a deal, talking with a lonely neighbor, shoveling snow, raising children, painting a wall, pounding nails, fighting for justice, opening the door for the person behind you... any compelling motivation you feel inside that you can bring to the world is creative expression. Listening to the direction of your spirit doesn't mean that you have to abandon all that is comfortable and familiar. Your heart-based purpose just wants an audience with you, a dialog, a partnership. There may be some habits, people or accessories that fall away as a result of this connection. What's cool is it is much easier to let them flow away when you're at peace with your heart, your choices and your direction in life. You can trust the shifts as they come and then watch the magic as it fills the open spaces. The connection with spirit is not about dramatic, extreme changes. It is subtle. You find yourself calmer, more willing to listen to others, seeing and allowing various points of view and at the same time deeply grounded in knowing who you are and why you are here. It starts with a moment of connection. Trust yourself a little more each day. Ask the Divine Discontent where it will take you ~ Blessed be on your beautiful, creative path. ![]() Tomorrow, November 13th, is the New Moon in Scorpio. The key moon phases (full moon, new moon) provide the perfect atmosphere for facilitating and enhancing shifts, changes and new opportunities in life. Ritual work, be it simple and swift or elaborate and dedicated, can catalyze the process of life improvement. Taking time-out to focus on a goal, refine direction or just clarify intention causes a trajectory shift that will always land us in a different place than we will find ourselves if we do not pause to enact our deep desires. Moon rituals can look like fires, candles, herbs, oils and swords if that's our style. They can also look like closet clearing, frank discussions, completed to-do lists, software upgrades and purged piles of papers. The way in which we personally like to focus on our priorities is not of concern as much as is the importance of taking time to direct our energy. Wherever our energy is in the New Moon phase is the priority level from which we will create for the next lunar cycle. So, choose a subject, any subject, and play along with me as we change the world, one enchantment at a time. Each month, the moon is in a different astrological aspect and will take on a unique focus based on this alignment. This New Moon in Scorpio is about surrendering to deep healing and purging the toxic from life. Shifts can cause healing at the soul level and may also involve healing of sexual issues or concerns. Scorpio energy can be intense, which might be intimidating. Yet work done under the influence of this sign can cause deep transformational shifts and allow us to finally cast off our demons and take on a new, lighter approach to life. Have the courage to evaluate and release what needs to go in order to grow. Whether it is complete or not, it's time to release those things that do not serve. You know what they are: you feel tired when you see the pile, you are frustrated when you start working on it, you avoid getting to it even though you know it is necessary, you take twice as long getting it done because you've neglected it for so long that it doesn't work right anymore... you know the routine. And you know that it's just not working for you anymore. Stop spinning your wheels. Fix it. Delegate it. Dump it. Honor the primal energy of creation. Whether your passion wants to flow through you sexually, artistically, meditatively or productively, engage with full intensity and with full focus. There is a great force of support for that which we want to achieve so take advantage of it with a full-bodied embrace of the process. Embody the 'whatever it takes' attitude. If you want it, go for it. Know where you are going. Map your journey. Enlist a team of supporters. Deepen partnerships. Open your heart to be the person you need to be in order to deliver yourself to this state of being. Fun rituals to try out during the new moon: Build a collage with images of what you're creating. Use visuals that are charged with your personal power and eminate the completion of your heart-felt goals. Soak in a healing bath of lavender in order to release obstacles, limitations and the heaviness that gets in the way of progress. During the bath, envision this release and then draw in what you will attract to take the place of this burdon. Burn away the heaviness by writing the issue or worry on a stick or paper, throwing it into a fire and casting the problem into the darkness. Replace the issue with ideas of what you have successfully completed and what successes in this future this change will sustain. Whatever method you choose to take on for the New Moon in Scorpio, choose something. Refine something. Eliminate something/someone. Improve something. Complete something. Just take an active role in the life you are creating. You will feel both relief and happiness for freeing up the space to a more fun and easeful future. ~Blessed Be~ Reposted from 5/22/12
I woke up this morning itching to write... not sure about the subject. So I asked my guides for a lead and from Danielle LaPorte I received "People Heal." So much of the Mediumship work I do is around healing, completing relationships, resolving the unresolved and permission to keep living. There is a clear line and deep necessity when we lose a loved one. They are very gone. We are very here. And we miss them so very much. People, scenery, scents, music, textures, stories, colors, or maybe just the silence sends us into the past and once again brings grief and loss to the surface. If we have loved deeply, created a life with someone and lost them (even if they didn't die) we will forever be touched and changed by our connection. That is the gift of Love. I've talked before, and will keep talking, about the flow of Love. That it moves through our lives as a gift, not to be held & locked away but to be embraced in the moment and cherished for the light it brings to the now. Love sometimes brings us together in partnership and when one of the partners leaves, there is an obvious gap in a life that was caused and created by two. This gap, when filled with grief, mourning, resentment or anger, overwhelms the memory and vibration of Love, of connection, of the truth that lived between mates. The Love still exists, it is just forgotten or overlooked by the seductive nuances of loss and absence. And, People Heal. Our hearts are resilient. We are heart-wired to Love, to connect, to grow and to learn about ourselves through our experiences with each other. When Love saunters through our lives, it always makes us a better person. We get to see ourselves through the eyes of another. We realize new opportunities. We feel more connected with God and with life and with nature. And what brings these feelings is not the other person. It is the allowing of our hearts, the opening of our spirits, the flow of light through our beings. It is we who choose Love and we who attract that person who magnifies the experience. So, when the person who shares this experience with us is no longer here, it doesn't mean the flow has stopped, just that the flow is changing course. After loss, Love may flow through in other ways: generous friends, compassionate family, in-pouring from our community. The love is still here. Through my experiences, it is the one who passed who often fosters this continued flow as a reminder that the Love remains. Continuing to Love and give and share life with someone new can be a tribute to what was shared with the one who is gone. Continuing to live in honor of what was co-created is vital to the flow of Love and the feeling of vitality. Living for the sake of giving and receiving Love, not for the other person, is the continuity of life and the preservation of Love. Grief is a natural part of the separation process. I am not saying not to feel it or acknowledge the loss. I, and those who have gone before us, encourage an openness in grief and loss. Embrace every feeling and then let it flow through. Toss and sort, discard and memorialize the feelings the same way we filter the closets and desks of their possessions. All with the acceptance that what really mattered will never leave us: the choice to give Love and receive Love, in order to allow Loving and being Loved again. The heart will heal as fast as you allow it to; it was made to Love and wants to Love again. You can make those promises with just as much passion the next time around. Such is the regenerative power of the human heart. –Marion Wink I wish you more love than you think your heart can handle ~ Cheryl |
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